5 Out of More Than 100: Ulysses 12.2 Now Available We have just released Ulysses 12.2 on both the App Store and Mac App Store. The update ships with well over 100 improvements and bug fixes, mostly ironing out smaller annoyances, or …
Ulysses: Moving Forward If you’ve been following along the past few months of Ulysses updates, you may have realized a serious shift in gears: We are now releasing a much more constant stream of updates, …
Introducing the Winners of Our NaNoWriMo Final Giveaway ? We are a little sad November is over. Must all good things come to an end? This was our forth year as NaNoWriMo sponsors and we loved being part of this amazing event. …
Our Favorite Podcasts for Writers Ulysses is a sponsor of NaNoWriMo 2017 and we want you to get the most out of it! We’re inviting all participants to claim their NaNo-bundle: sign up to our free email …
iPhone X, Revised Object Editors, and a New Theme We released Ulysses 12.1 for iOS today. It should already be available on the App Store, so go grab it, it’s one hell of an update. The headline feature may be …
Crushed It: How to Deal with Writer's Block Ulysses is a sponsor of NaNoWriMo 2017 and we want you to get the most out of it! We’re inviting all participants to claim their NaNo-bundle: sign up to our free email …
A Worthy Opponent: Creating the Perfect Villain Ulysses is a sponsor of NaNoWriMo 2017 and to help you get the most out of it, we’re inviting all participants to sign up to our free email course, have a look …
Track Your Writing Time with Ulysses and Timing (Giveaway Inside!) Whether you’re a professional writer or just have some small side projects, you may be interested in how much time you spend on writing. Maybe it’s just your own curiosity – how …
The Ultimate Mellifluous Playlist for NaNoWriMo Hello November — and along with it, our quest to conquer NaNoWriMo! First in our tips & tricks repertoire, a relaxing-inspiring-soothing track compilation to help you get in the writing mode. So without further …
Ulysses 12: Small Refinements for More Productivity In last week’s announcement post you already learned about the most important new features in Ulysses’ latest version. There are a few further refinements we would like to point you to. Even …
Out Now: Image Previews, Drag and Drop, iOS 11 So today we have released Ulysses 12. And as is good tradition around the house, I’d like to talk a little about what’s new and improved. And since this release is …
And the Winners Are... ? A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our #NaNoWriMo2017 giveaway and made it a success! And special congratulations to the following champions; step right up and claim your prize: “Writing a …
50,000 Words in a Month?— Challenge Accepted Ah…! You can almost smell the pumpkin spice. November is just around the corner and you know what that means, right? Time for colorful leaves, warm socks, cozy blankets and … NaNoWriMo! Everyone… it’ …
Matt Gemmell: “Writing Is Difficult, but It Feels Like a Challenge Instead of a Hardship" Action-thriller author Matt Gemmell is fascinated with how small choices can have a profound effect on our lives – a fascination also reflected in his debut novel “Changer”, published last year. In our interview, …
Coming up: New Library, Multi Pane Editing, iOS 11 Drag & Drop Yesterday, Apple released iOS 11. Needless to say, we’re hard at work bringing Ulysses to Apple’s latest and greatest, but we’re not quite ready yet. So I’d like to …
Smart, Smarter, Smartest: New Copy & Paste Options on Your iPhone/iPad Let’s face the facts: Writers often need to use the Copy and Paste commands when working with texts. Be it for reusing text snippets, collecting research notes on the web, or transferring …
“Learn Ulysses” – A Video Course by The Sweet Setup The Sweet Setup is a small yet classy website dedicated to apps, but with a twist. Among a number of good quality options, the authors aim to identify the best one: the best …
Ulysses Now Fluent in 10 Languages 어서 오십시오. Добро́ пожа́ловать! Bem-vindo! We have just released an update to Ulysses both on macOS [https://itunes.apple.com/app/ulysses/id1225570693?l=en&mt=12] and iOS [https://itunes. …