If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you may remember Jeff Brownscheidle — he has written about his passions for hiking and writing before, here. In a free, exclusive online talk, he will now share his experiences while completing “America’s Triple Crown” with you. The term refers to the three most important long-distance trails in the USA:
- the Appalachian Trail in the East of the country, which leads through 14 states, from Georgia to Maine;
- the Continental Divide Trail that traverses the US from the Mexican to the Canadian border along the Rocky Mountains; and
- the Pacific Crest Trail in the West of the US, which leads, parallel to the Pacific Coast and along the mountain crests of the Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Range, through the states of California, Oregon and Washington.
These trails span a total length of over 7000 miles, and finishing them all (achieving the Triple Crown!) is something many ambitious long-distance hikers dream about. The challenge is to thru-hike each trail en bloc in a single season, typically from April to September. You don’t have to be a math genius to calculate that this is a real challenge: A daily quota of many miles, stretched across multiple months and with every item you need carried in a backpack — the trails often lead through the wilderness, where there’s no hotel and no supermarket. Every year, a few thousand hikers give it a try, but not all of them reach their destinations before snowfalls in autumn start making the terrain impassable.
Jeff “Mountain Man” Brownscheidle has made it and will tell you his story in a special online event. His love of wilderness adventure dates back to his childhood, when, on his hikes, his father carried him around on the back. Today, Jeff’s got nearly 9000 miles on the clock and is still not finished. He and his wife Emily just quit their well-paying jobs to dedicate more time to hiking in the future, at least in the next couple of years.

So, don’t miss the chance to dive into Jeff’s adventures in the wild and see his gorgeous landscape photography. He’ll of course also give some insights into his use of Ulysses for feeding his blog Stone and Sky on the trail; and there will be the opportunity to ask your questions. The event is free and there’s no hook; however, it’s worth hurrying up, as the number of available seats is limited.
From Stone to Sky: Hiking America’s Triple Crown
Free Zoom webinar with Jeff Brownscheidle
Sat, June 26, 2021
11 am PST (San Francisco) / 2 pm EST (New York) / 8 pm CEST (Berlin)