For many novelists, screenplay writers, journalists, bloggers, copywriters and academics, Ulysses is the writing app of choice. We asked some of them to share their stories. In this post, travel blogger and writer Jo Fitzsimons talks about writing with Ulysses.

Please tell us something about you: Who are you, what is your profession and what are you working on? What are you writing and how much?

In 2010 I quit my job as a lawyer in London to become a full-time writer. Although my native country is England, I spend most of my time travelling the world, seeing the sights and writing about it on a freelance basis and also for my blog. However, my big dream is to write fiction and whenever I get a break from my paid work you’ll find me tapping out chapters of my first novel.

I’m a full-time, professional writer so not a day goes by without me opening up my laptop and stringing sentences together.

Could you describe what you use Ulysses for?

I use Ulysees for all three forms of writing that I do – for individual articles that I sell to my clients, for my blog posts and also for writing my fiction novel.

What are the benefits of Ulysses for your kind of writing?

Ulysees is my saviour and I’m not being dramatic when I say that. Before buying the software, my laptop was a mess of files and folders with projects lying around everywhere. Now I use Ulysees to keep me organised and, thanks to the distraction free writing function, focused.

What do you like best about Ulysses? Do you have a favorite feature?

I thought I’d like the distraction free writing function most because the design makes me want to sit down and see words appear on the blank page. However, what truly surprised and impressed me was the ability to create and organise folders. Now, I can keep all of my projects in one place and can know with a quick glance what is next on my to-write list.

Visit Jo’s Blog at It’s a travel resource with a focus on independent and adventure travel.